Friday, January 16, 2009

Taking Time to Memorize

Do you remember this post? Well I'm just about finished memorizing Psalm 139, finally! I can't say I worked on it as much as I should of, though some days more than others. But it is really nice being able to quote the whole chapter. Just the act of memorizing this has helped me spiritually in that it is so long, I find myself going over it and over it and thus drawing nearer to God and putting more focus on Him and pondering things in the middle of the day that I don't usually think about in the midst of life. Things like "Where can I go from flee from His presence?" and how His never ending presence is such a blessing, but yet also being aware of it makes me more thoughtful about my actions and even my thoughts "You perceive my thoughts from afar" was another part of Psalm 139. Thank you Angie for suggesting the memory of this piece of scripture. I think that having done so will also encourage me to do more longer pieces than I might have originally picked!

Well the reason I'm bringing this up now is that part of New Year's Resolution was to memorize a scripture a month! I found out that Living Proof Ministries (Beth Moore) has a challenge up on their blog to memorize two scriptures a month for this year! So I've decided to double up on that original resolution! I put up the button on the side that Lisa made too, to encourage others to jump in if they want! You can also go to the LPM blog on the 1st and 15th and post your verse if you want. And while I'm giving credit, thank you to Kimberly for telling about this! She doesn't know that I had already seen the button on her blog and followed before she commented to me about it! But her comment lingered in my head and therefore I'm writing this now!

So for my second my verse of the month (my first being Psalm 139 that I started in December) I'm going to memorize a verse that I've probably learned at some point growing up as I went to a private school and we memorized verses weekly, but I no longer know it word for word and it seems appropriate considering this resolution!

Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."

1 comment:

Sweet Blessings said...

Great job! I'm sure this is all you really need in life:) I've thought about implementing this for the girls and I-maybe after the move. Love you! Amanda:)