Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me Monday- Pray for Stellan


Update: I just went over to check out MckMama’s blog and put up my link, when I read that Stellan is in the hospital with SVT (really high heart rate) the same life-threatening issue he had in the womb. Please say a prayer for him that his heart rate will convert or slow down.

It’s Monday! The kids are back to school and I’m here typing up a blog post! Oh and it’s time for Not Me Monday, the time of the week when you get to fess up to all your little secrets all while pretending you are perfect!

This week I did NOT completely blow my healthy eating patterns! I did NOT almost give up or something like that for no really good reason! And I’m NOT ready to get back on track because hey it’s a new week and I know if I stop I’ll never get to that goal I’ve got! I’ve NOT being doing pretty darn good with that exercise thing though!

I did NOT watch hardly any TV this week but since I DVR all my favorites I did NOT watch them on the weekend! I did not make my poor husband who can’t stand MY favorite the show Lost watch it with me!

I didn’t completely NOT hear the alarm go off this morning and almost make my kids late to school because of it ! My daughter did NOT wake up herself when it was time to be leaving and wake me up! We DIDN’T still manage to get them there in time (can you say laid out clothes, book bags and breakfast in the car?) I did NOT blame my hubby one tiny bit for turning off the alarmS! That S was not capitalized on purpose! That would be childish off me and I’m NEVER childish!

My son, PJ, did NOT have a wonderful 8th Birthday party yesterday at the ever crowded Chuck E. Cheese! He did NOT have a blast playing with all his friends. I’m not a little bummed that I wasn’t able to get more awesome pictures. My camera was not taking forever to click each time I wanted to get a shot! He did not have a super big smile on his face while opening presents!

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And my Baby Boy did NOT want to stay on this truck for four rides in a row and start screaming when I got him off of it!

March2009 157

I did NOT have a very sweet girl come to my house Friday and cut my hair for free! I’m NOT excited about my new shorter hair cut! I don’t (seriously) have a picture though because I didn’t think to take one when my hair was done ! I’m Not done with this post finally!


Dee said...

GREAT pictures!

And we never have those problems with the alarm! :)

More Than Words said...

Hi Erica!! I can TOTALLY relate to the eating healthy and exercising! That was me last week!!! Today is a brand new day!!!

Happy Birthday to your son!! Chuck E. Cheese is always a mad house!!! LOL!1

E @ Scottsville said...

Well, hurry up and take a picture of this new hairdo so we can all see it and tell you how great you look. Come on, Woman!!! =0)

Weird, but I almost went and cut all my hair off this weekend. But I was highly stressed, so decided it wasn't the best time to be making major changes. =0)