Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My First Giveaway


Aren’t you excited? I’m having a giveaway! I found a new product that I love called Lemi Shine! See we were having issues with our dishes being white! I mean seriously some of our dishes, such as the kids plates, pots, utensils were covered in white. Even our red serving plates were starting to get white film on them that wouldn’t even wash off by hand. So I started searching the internet for what to do as I wasn’t sure it was healthy and my dishes were getting ruined! People had some different ideas about detergents , vinegar and rinse agents that I’d already tried without improvement and there were a few people who said a product called Lemi Shine fixed their problem! I found some Lemi Shine at my local WalMart near the rinse-aids. Took it home with high hopes and could tell the difference with one wash! After using it for several weeks my dishes are sparkling and the white film is gone from my dishes and the dishwasher walls!

The good people at Envirocon Technologies were kind enough to send me two each of three different products to give away to my readers. lemishine-package

Lemi Shine -The Hard Water Expert ™ - removes tough spots and film for sparkling dishes and glassware.

Lemi Shine Rinse - the final rinse agent, removes residual spots and film from dishes and glassware in the final rinse cycle.

Lemi Shine MC3 -the ultimate machine cleaner and deodorizer, cleans, deodorizes, and optimizes the performance and life of dishwashers, washing machines, and garbage disposals, and it is the only product designed for all 3 machines.

lemishine-rinse-environment-safe-flatAlso something that made me feel good about using their products, they are environmentally friendly and made from all natural ingredients with no phosphates!

Two lucky people will win all three products! The winners will be chosen by random draw, ends August 14th at midnight! ~ That's tonight!

To enter leave me a comment telling me why you need or would like to try one of these products or if you already have and like them! For an additional entry blog about this giveaway and come leave me a separate comment letting me know!

MckLinky Blog Hop


Anonymous said...

Our dishes have the same problem!!! I love that the products are natural and enviro-friendly!! How great is it that they gave you products to give away?? Now, if only they would give away someone to come clean the dishes...

Mama M. said...

Interesting...our dishes ARE white, would we even notice the film?!!! My hubby thinks I'm crazy, but I swear, I can TASTE soapy stuff in our food from plastic stuff that has been washed in the dishwasher...gross.

E @ Scottsville said...

Well, hey! I always love FREE STUFF! I wonder how it would work on those pesky rusty looking stains around two of my bathroom faucets. Worth a try, right?

Cindy said...

I would love to give Lemi Shine a chance! I am forever scrubbing off those annoying white spots. Every time I use the dishwasher... there they are!


supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

Thank you for your follow! Let's see. I NEED this product so that I don't look like a terrible haus frau when I serve food to my neighbors on crusted filmy plates.

I can just see it now: "I'm sorry... it's clean.. really . It's clean." As they smile politely and I die a thousand deaths.

Forever known as 338 .. the dirty plate haus. :)

And that's why I need your giveaway. :)

Jamie said...

I have the same issue with my dishes and really don't like using the 'hot water start' button in order to save on our monthly bill. I will anything!!

jamie @ suburban saving mama.com

Secret Burkheiser said...

Well we have hard water and ALWAYS have spots! I would love to give all three products a try!!

BargainFun said...

My dishes are stained i bet this would help ! Thanks, www.bargainfun.blogspot.com

Grace said...

I would love to try to get the filmy coating off my dishes And for it to remove other things as well now that could just be very awsome!The 14th is also my anniversary day :0)

Bishop's Mom said...

I would love to win this giveaway! My glasses look so bad I don't wvwn want to drink out of them and I love that it is all natural!

Valerie said...

Hey Erica - thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway!

I have been wanting to try Lemi Shine I just hate buying something and not knowing if it really works. If I don't win at least I have a good review! lol

Charity said...

oooh I would love to try the one that cleans machines like my new front loader washer. thy al sound great though, we even got awater softener to combat the mmineral deposit but there is still some.

Carma Sez said...

I would love to try these. The powder I use leaves a white residue all around the seal of the dishwasher. I've cut down on the amt I use but it didn't make a difference.

Marina@EBMR said...

My glasses have the spot problem and its so embarrassing esp when a guest needs something to drink and I have to scrub to give him a clean glass!

PS Hop on over to enter my fun giveaways: http://energizerbunnysmommyreports.blogspot.com/search/label/BTSC%20Giveaways